Thursday, November 29, 2012

Minnesota Renaissance Festival ' 09-03-12

These images are from the Minnesota Renaissance Festival on Monday, 09-03-12. This day was the second day that I was at the festival this year..the first day was the day before on Sunday, 09-02-12.
I actually ended up going five times this year. I've already posted the other four days/galleries up on my website. There is a link to more images from this day toward the end of this post with another link to the other Minnesota Renaissance Festival galleries from last year and this year.

Charles W. Ryan II (Facebook)

CIIcanoe (Blog)

Chuck Ryan Photography (Model Mayhem)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Stephanie the studio

I posted on my Facebook page that I was looking for a model for a photo shoot at the studio for Wednesday, 11-21-12. Stephanie Engebretson sent me a message that she was interested.
For the last couple years I've been going to the Minnesota Renaissance Festival to photograph it and that's how we know one another. She is a performer with the group, The Vodca Family. She also has her dance group HipNaughtyK.
Here are some of the images taken at the studio on Wednesday...there is a link to more images of Stephanie on my website that's toward the end of this post or Click Here

If your interested I have eight photo galleries from the last two years at the Renaissance Festival posted..I just looked...there are1,865 images. Here is the link for those images...Minnesota Renaissance Festival

Charles W. Ryan II (Facebook)

CIIcanoe (Blog)

Chuck Ryan Photography (Model Mayhem)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Night Photography...Lowry Avenue Bridge, Stone Arch Bridge and I-35

On Saturday, 11-17-12, I decided to go photograph the new Lowry Avenue Bridge. Then I went downtown Minneapolis to the Stone Arch Bridge area. Below are the images I took from the evening.  

Charles W. Ryan II (Facebook)

CIIcanoe (Blog)

Chuck Ryan Photography (Model Mayhem)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sena Ehrhardt Photo Shoot 2012

A few weeks ago Sena Ehrhardt with the Sena Ehrhardt Band and I set up a photo shoot at my studio for Saturday, 11-10-12. I've photographed Sena in the studio in the past, but it's probably been close to a couple years ago. I've also photographed her and her band many times "Live". Unfortunately, Sena wasn't feeling well on Saturday so we didn't shoot very long. We'll have to schedule another day to finish our shoot. Thank you Sena :)

CIIcanoe (Blog)

Chuck Ryan Photography (Model Mayhem)